bomlev | undef | set bomb level |
prnlev | undef | set print level |
ioformat | undef | set ioformat: 'exte' or 'noex' |
param | 36 | parameter set: 19 (CHARMM19), 22 (CHARMM22), opls, a94 (amber 94), eef1, mmff, eef1.1 |
xtop | undef | extra topology files |
xpar | undef | extra parameter files |
pstream | undef | extra topology/parameter files to be streamed |
parflex | undef | add 'flex' when reading parameters/topologies |
blocked | undef | blocked termini |
nter | undef | N-terminus, requires blocked |
cter | undef | C-terminus, requires blocked |
nuc3ter | undef | nucleic acid 3" terminus |
nuc5ter | undef | nucleic acid 5" terminus |
deoxy | 1 | deoxy patch for nucleic acids |
terlist | undef | explicit list of termini, format: SEG:FIRST:LAST[=...] |
fixcoo | 1 | fix COO if necessary |
hsd | "" | list of HSD residues |
hse | "" | list of HSE residues |
hsp | "" | list of HSP residues |
resmod | "" | list of residue name modifications |
patch | "" | list of patches |
autogen | 1 | auto generate angles/dihedrals after patches |
solvseg | undef | segments to be loaded with water after everything else |
buildall | 1 | rebuild all missing atoms |
hbuild | 0 | force hbuild |
faster | "on" | fast energy routines (on|off) |
dielec | 'CDIE' | dielectric response CDIE (const.) or RDIE (distant dep.) |
epsilon | 1.0 | dielectric constant for non-bonded interactions |
cutnb | undef | cutoff for non-bonded list generation |
cutoff | undef | cutoff for non-bonded interactions |
cuton | undef | onset of switching function for non-bonded interaction |
cutim | undef | cutoff for image atoms |
cut | 1 | use cutoff |
crystalcut | undef | cutoff for crystal |
trunc | undef | shift/fshift/switch/fswitch |
vtrunc | undef | vshift/vfshift/vswitch/vfswitch |
nbmode | "atom" | atom or group |
vdwlrc | 0 | van der Waals long range correction |
softvdw | 0 | soft van der Waals core |
softemax | undef | maximum van der Waals energy |
softmine | undef | minimum attractive energy |
softmaxe | undef | maximum electrostatic energy |
user | 1 | USER energy term |
cmap | 1 | CMAP energy term |
echeck | 20.0 | energy tolerance check for dynamics |
ace | 0 | ACE implicit solvation |
aceieps | 1.0 | ACE internal dielectric |
aceseps | 80.0 | ACE external dielectric |
acealpha | 1.3 | ACE alpha |
acesigma | undef | ACE sigma |
acevscale | 1.0 | ACE volume scale |
sasagamma | 0.00542 | gamma for SASA |
sasadelta | 0.920 | delta for SASA |
gb | undef | Generalized Born implicit solvent: bgb, gbmf, gbmf2, gbmva, gbmvg |
gbeps | 80.0 | epsilon in GB prefactor |
gbcrad | 0.91 | BGB radius scaling of main chain carbon w/ param19 |
gbhrad | 0.8 | BGB radius scaling of hydrogen atoms w/ param22 |
gblambda | undef | BGB lambda factor |
gbmvad | undef | GBMVA shift |
gbmvade | undef | GBMVA eshift |
gbmvas | undef | GBMVA slope |
gbmval1 | 0.5 | GBMVA lambda 1 |
gbmvap1 | 0.45 | GBMVA P1 |
gbmvap2 | 1.25 | GBMVA P2 |
gbmvap3 | 0.65 | GBMVA P3 (old: 0.70) |
gbmvap4 | undef | GBMVA P4 |
gbmvap5 | undef | GBMVA P5 |
gbmvap6 | 8.0 | GBMVA P6, Still's factor |
gbmvap7 | undef | GBMVA P7, VSA adjustment |
gbmvaig | 32 | GBMVA integration grid size |
gbmvafrq | undef | GBMVA alpha update frequency |
gbmvdrfrq | undef | GBMVA surface integration point update frequency |
gbmvaimp | undef | GBMVA impulse derivatives |
gbmvaemp | undef | GBMVA exponentially damped impulse |
gbmvarith | undef | GBMVA arithmetic mean: alpha_ij = alpha_i+alpha_j |
gbmvabuf | 0.2 | GBMVA buffer for dynamics |
gbmvabeta | -12 | GBMVA beta parameter (old: -20) |
gbmvaonx | 1.9 | GBMVA OnX parameter |
gbmvaoffx | 2.1 | GBMVA OffX parameter |
gbmvacubic | undef | GBMVA cubic VSA |
gbmvacorr | 1 | GBMVA r7 correction (1) or r5 correction (0) |
gbmvaextra | undef | GBMVA extra commands |
gbmvagcut | undef | GBMVA GCUT (1 or 2) |
gbmvakappa | undef | GBMVA kappa |
gbmvafast | undef | GBMVA FAST |
gbmvasgbfrq | 4 | GBMVA SGBFRQ |
gbmvasxd | 0.3 | GBMVA SGBFRQ delta |
gbmva1 | undef | GBMV A1 parameter |
gbmva2 | undef | GBMV A2 parameter |
gbmva3 | undef | GBMV A3 parameter |
gbmva4 | undef | GBMV A4 parameter |
gbmva5 | undef | GBMV A5 parameter |
gbmvdf | undef | GBMV adjustment factor for shift |
gbmvdoff | undef | GBMV epsilon offset for shift adjustment |
gbmvmstl | undef | GBMV modified Still |
gbmvms0 | 1.0 | GBMV MS0 parameter |
gbmvms1 | 0.0 | GBMV MS1 parameter |
gbmvms2 | 0.0 | GBMV MS2 parameter |
gbmvms3 | 0.0 | GBMV MS3 parameter |
gbmvdefmnp | 0 | turn on default membrane non-polar profile |
gbmvzs | 0.5 | parameters for membrane non-polar profile |
gbmvzm | 9.2 | parameters for membrane non-polar profile |
gbmvzt | 25 | parameters for membrane non-polar profile |
gbmvst | 0.32 | parameters for membrane non-polar profile |
gbmveps | undef | GBMV solvent dielectric |
gbmvepsu | undef | GBMV solute ref dielectric |
gbmvdu | undef | GBMV adj. delta for solute dielectric |
gbmvsa | 0.015 | GBMV hydrophobic SASA term factor |
gbmvsb | 0.900 | GBMV hydrophobic SASA term offset |
gbmvsagb | undef | GBMV hydrophobic SASA term on a selection basis |
gbmvason | 1.2 | GBMV SASA internal parameter, old: 0.5 |
gbmvasoff | 1.5 | GBMV SASA internal parameter, old: 1.75 |
#gbmvexcl | 0 | GBMV selection |
gbswsw | 0.3 | GBSW switching length |
gbswrmax | 20.0 | GBSW maximum integration radius |
gbswnang | 38 | GBSW number of angular integration points |
gbswnrad | 0 | GBSW number of radial integration points |
gbswsgamma | 0.00 | GBSW surface tension coefficient |
gbswdgp | 1.5 | GBSW grid spacing for lookup table |
gbswrbuffer | 0.0 | GBSW buffer region for lookup table |
gbswtmemb | 0.0 | GBSW thickness of membrane |
gbswmsw | 0.3 | GBSW membrane switching length |
gbswms | 0 | GBSW molecular surface approx. |
hdgbprofile | undef | epsilon profile for HDGB |
hdgbnpprofile | undef | non-polar profile for HDGB |
hdgbdensh2oprofile | undef | density profile for water (HDGB van der Waals) |
hdgbdensoprofile | undef | density profile for O (HDGB van der Waals) |
hdgbdenscprofile | undef | density profile for C (HDGB van der Waals) |
hdgbdensccprofile | undef | density profile for CC (HDGB van der Waals) |
hdgbdenshprofile | undef | density profile for H (HDGB van der Waals) |
hdgbvdw | 0 | turn on HDGB van der Waals term |
hdgbvdwact3 | 0.25 | HDGB van der Waals a for CT3 |
hdgbvdwacy | 0.2 | HDGB van der Waals a for CY |
hdgbvdwacph | 0.4 | HDGB van der Waals a for CPH |
hdgbvdwacc | 0.4 | HDGB van der Waals a for CC |
hdgbvdwaca | 0.2 | HDGB van der Waals a for CA |
hdgbvdwact1 | 0.55 | HDGB van der Waals a for CT1 |
hdgbvdwact2 | 0.45 | HDGB van der Waals a for CT2 |
hdgbvdwacm | 0.7 | HDGB van der Waals a for CM |
hdgbvdwahs | 0.5 | HDGB van der Waals a for HS |
hdgbvdwaho | 0.75 | HDGB van der Waals a for HO |
hdgbvdwahy | 0.2 | HDGB van der Waals a for HY |
hdgbvdwahm | 0.675 | HDGB van der Waals a for HM |
hdgbvdwahp | 0.15 | HDGB van der Waals a for HP |
hdgbvdwahr | 0.475 | HDGB van der Waals a for HR |
hdgbvdwanh | 0.225 | HDGB van der Waals a for NH |
hdgbvdwany | 0.15 | HDGB van der Waals a for NY |
hdgbvdwaoh | 0.75 | HDGB van der Waals a for OH |
hdgbvdwaoy | 0.725 | HDGB van der Waals a for OY |
hdgbvdwaor | 0.425 | HDGB van der Waals a for OR |
hdgbvdwasm | 0.175 | HDGB van der Waals a for SM |
hdgbvdwasc | 0.425 | HDGB van der Waals a for SC |
hdgbvdwas | 0.225 | HDGB van der Waals a for S |
hdgbvdwap | 0.375 | HDGB van der Waals a for P |
scalerad | 0 | scaled radii for GB/PB |
dcel | 0.5 | PB grid spacing |
epsw | 80.0 | epsilon for solvent |
epsp | 1.0 | epsilon for solute |
epspr | undef | epsilon for solute reference if set |
epsr | 1.0 | epsilon for reference environment |
smooth | 0 | smooth boundary |
pbdelta | 8.0 | distance to boundary |
proberad | 1.4 | water probe radius |
pbionr | 2.0 | ion exclusion radius |
pbionconc | 0.0 | ion concentration |
pbtemp | 300.0 | temperature |
pbextra | "" | extra parameters for PBEQ |
pbepsfile | undef | external file for dielectric grid (first type) |
pbepsgrid | undef | external file for dielectric grid (second type) |
chargefile | undef | load charges from external file |
volumespace | 200000 | space for volume calculation |
rdfrmax | undef | maximum radius for RDF analysis |
rdfbins | 100 | number of bins for RDF analysis |
rdfspfac | 10 | space allocation for RDF analysis |
rdfvolume | undef | normalization volume for RDF analysis |
rdfexclude | undef | bygr, byres, byseg to exclude self pairs |
diffrange | undef | distance range for diffusion calculation |
ncors | 20 | number of time steps for diffusion/correlation calculation |
puckermode | "AS" | AS or CP pucker calculation |
ptype | "P1" | P1 or P2 correlation |
sradfac | 1.0 | overall scaling factor for GB/PB radii |
sbackn | 1.0 | 0.90, # peptide backbone N scaling factor |
sbacko | 1.0 | 0.94, # peptide backbone O scaling factor |
sbackca | 1.0 | peptide backbone CA scaling factor |
mfnh | undef | radius for H* |
mfn3 | undef | radius for ch3 |
mfn2 | undef | radius for cb |
mfnb10 | undef | radius for backbone CA (GLY) |
mfnb9 | undef | radius for backbone CA |
mfnb6 | undef | radius for backbone C |
mfnb7 | undef | radius for backbone O |
mfnb8 | undef | radius for backbone N |
mfn5 | undef | radius for ch |
mfn13 | undef | radius for roh |
mfn12 | undef | radius for oh |
mfn4 | undef | radius for cet |
mfn19 | undef | radius for crh |
mfn18 | undef | radius for cpro |
mfn7 | undef | radius for ctrp |
mfn16 | undef | radius for ntrp |
mfn8 | undef | radius for css |
mfn17 | undef | radius for sulfur |
mfn25 | undef | radius for s2 |
mfn6 | undef | radius for cam |
mfn15 | undef | radius for nam |
mfn11 | undef | radius for oam |
mfn10 | undef | radius for ocar |
mfn9 | undef | radius for cze |
mfn14 | undef | radius for nal |
mfn21 | undef | radius for nhis |
nina9 | undef | radius for ARG CZ |
nina9l | undef | radius for LYS CE |
nina10 | undef | radius for GLU/ASP OE*/OD* |
nina11 | undef | radius for ASN/GLN OE*/OD* |
nina14 | undef | radius for ARG NH*/NE |
nina14l | undef | radisu for LYS NZ |
nina7 | undef | radius for TRP CE*/CD*/CZ*/CH2 |
nina16 | undef | radius for TRP NE1 |
nina12 | undef | radius for OG* |
nina3 | undef | radius for CG* |
ninah | undef | radius for H* |
ninab1 | undef | radius for backbone CAY/CAT |
ninab2 | undef | radius for backbone CY |
ninab3 | undef | radius for backbone OY |
ninab4 | undef | radius for backbone NT |
ninab5 | undef | radius for backbone OT* |
ninab6 | undef | radius for backbone C |
ninab7 | undef | radius for backbone O |
ninab8 | undef | radius for backbone N |
ninab9 | undef | radius for backbone CA |
ninab10 | undef | radius for backbone CA (GLY) |
nina2 | undef | radius for CB |
nina4 | undef | radius for GLU CG |
nina5 | undef | radius for CD* |
nina6 | undef | radius for GLN CD/ASN CG/GLU CD/ASP CG |
nina18 | undef | radius for PRO GB/CG/CD |
nina19 | undef | radius for TYR/PHE CE*/CD*/CZ |
nina8 | undef | radius for MET CE |
nina20 | undef | radius for HSD CE1/HSD CD2 |
nina13 | undef | radius for TYR OH |
nina21 | undef | radius for HSD NE2/ND1 |
nina22 | undef | radius for HSP NE2/ND1 |
nina15 | undef | radius for GLN NE2/ASN ND2 |
nina17 | undef | radius for S* |
asp | 0 | flag to switch on ASP energy terms |
aspfile | undef | external input file for ASP energy term |
aspval | 5.42 | ASP solvation parameter |
aspvalc | undef | ASP solvation parameter for carbon atoms |
aspvaln | undef | ASP solvation parameter for nitrogen atoms |
aspvalo | undef | ASP solvation parameter for oxygen atoms |
aspvalh | undef | ASP solvation parameter for hydrogen atoms |
aspvals | undef | ASP solvation parameter for sulphur atoms |
aspradh | undef | ASP hydrogen radius |
aspref | 0.0 | ASP reference area |
og | 0 | flag to switch on Olgun's energy score |
eef1 | 0 | flag to switch on EEF1 energy terms |
eef1file | "solvpar.inp" | EEF1 parameter file |
imm1 | 0 | implicit membrane model based on EEF1, use eef1file for loading parameter file |
imm1p36 | 0 | imm1 model with using CHARMM36 all-atom parameters |
imm1file | "solvpar.inp" | IMM1 parameter file |
imm1width | 26.0 | membrane width |
imm1aemp | 0.85 | parameter a |
sasa | 0 | flag to switch on SASA energy terms |
sasaeps | 2.0 | SASA dielectric constant |
sasasig1 | -0.060 | SASA sig 1 value |
sasasig2 | 0.012 | SASA sig 2 value |
sasasig3 | 0.00 | SASA sig 3 value |
sdsteps | 50 | number of minimization steps for steepest descent min. |
sdstepsz | 0.005 | initial step size for steepest descent min. |
updnbsd | -1 | update freq. for non-bonded list in steepest descent min. |
minmode | "abnr" | minimization protocol |
minsteps | 500 | number of minimization steps for min. |
minstepsz | 0.005 | initial step size for min. |
minetol | 1.0E-5 | energy tolerance for min. |
minupdnb | -1 | update freq. for non-bonded list in min. |
minoutfrq | 10 | output freq. for minimization runs |
shake | 0 | use shake |
shaketol | 1.0E-8 | shake tolerance |
shakemode | 'hyd' | 'hyd'rogen or 'all' atoms are restrained |
shakefast | 0 | use fast vector/parallel version of shake |
periodic | undef | use periodic boundaries |
explicit | 1 | do not use implicit solvent for explicit solvent |
solvent | undef | residue names of solvent molecules for PBC |
imbyseg | undef | residue images by segment |
imbyres | undef | residue images by residue |
imbysegx | 0.0 | center for images by segment |
imbysegy | 0.0 | center for images by segment |
imbysegz | 0.0 | center for images by segment |
imbyresx | 0.0 | center for images by segment |
imbyresy | 0.0 | center for images by segment |
imbyresz | 0.0 | center for images by segment |
ewald | 1 | use Ewald for explicit solvent |
pmekappa | undef | 0.32, # PME distribution width |
pmekmax | 5.0 | 5.0, # PME K max |
npme | undef | 64, # number of grid points for PME grid |
npmex | undef | number of grid points in x direction |
npmey | undef | number of grid points in y direction |
npmez | undef | number of grid points in z direction |
boxshape | undef | box shape for periodic boundaries |
boxsize | undef | box size |
boxx | undef | box x dimension |
boxy | undef | box y dimension |
boxz | undef | box z dimension |
dynens | 'NVT' | dynamics ensemble 'NVT', 'NPT', 'NPH', 'NVE' |
dynber | 0 | use Berendsen thermostat |
dynbertc | 5.0 | coupling constant for Berendsen |
dynnose | undef | use Nose-Hoover thermostat |
dynnoseq | 50.0 | Nose-Hoover qref |
dynnosen | 5 | Nose-Hoover ncyc |
dyninteg | undef | ovverride default integrator choices: leap, vver, vv2 |
dyntstep | 0.002 | dynamics time step in picoseconds |
dynsteps | 100 | dynamics steps |
dyntemp | 298 | dynamics temperature |
dynitemp | undef | initial temperature for heating/equilibration |
dynseed | undef | dynamics random seed |
dyndeltat | 10.0 | temperature change during heating/cooling |
dynhtfrq | -1 | temperature change frequency |
dyntrfrq | undef | trans/rot removal frequency |
dyneqfrq | 200 | equilibration frequency |
dyntwin | 5.0 | temperature window during equilibrition |
dynscale | undef | temperature scaling factor for restarts |
dynoutfrq | undef | frequency of energy/trajectory output |
dynupdnb | -1 | update of non-bonded list |
dynupdimg | -1 | update of images |
dynpress | 1.00 | the pressure (in atm) for NPT simulations |
dynpgamma | 25.0 | gamma value for NPT simulations |
dynpmass | 400.0 | Langevin piston mass for NPT simulations |
dynpext | 0 | Use external virial in NPT simulations |
nblisttype | "bycb" | non-bonded list generation |
dyncons | undef | KDYN dynamics |
dynkmas | 0.1 | KDYN dynamics mass |
dynkfkc | undef | KDYN FKC |
dynkdkc | undef | KDYN DKC |
phmd | 0 | PHMD |
phmdpar | undef | PHMD parameter file |
phmdph | 7.0 | simulation pH |
phmdpri | 1000 | print output file every 1000 steps |
phmdmass | 10.0 | mass for the titration and tautomer interconversion coordinates |
phmdbarr | 2.5 | titration barrier |
phmdbartau | 2.5 | tautomer interconversion barrier |
phmdtemp | 298 | PHMD temperature |
phmdout | "final.lamb" | output file of lambda values |
phmdderi | undef | compute derivatives |
phmdtheta | undef | theta value if phmdderi defined |
phmdthetax | undef | thetax value if phmdderi defined |
phmdsel | undef | selection of titrating residues |
sgmd | 0 | self-guided MD |
sgmddrag | 0.2 | SGMD drag force |
sgmdavg | 1.0 | SGMD average? |
sgmdvfb | -1.0 | SGMD ? |
sgmdfrq | 1 | SGMD update frequency |
sgld | 0 | self-guided Langevin dynamics |
sgbz | 0 | option for SGLDfp simulation (Boltzman Dist.) |
sgldtsvg | 0.2 | local avg time |
sgldtsvp | 10 | guiding effect avg time |
sgldtpsg | 1.0 | giding temperature |
sgldsgft | 0.0 | guiding factor |
sgldsgmv | 0 | allow guiding force on center of mass |
sgldistr | 1 | index of the first atom for guiding force application |
sgldiend | "natom" | index of the last atom for guiding force application |
noerest | undef | file name with NOE restraint commands |
xnoerest | undef | X-plor file name with NOE restraint commands |
noerexp | 3 | exponent for distance averaging |
noekmin | 1.0 | force constant for small distance harmonic potential |
noekmax | 1.0 | force constant for large distance harmonic potential |
noefmax | 9999.0 | maximum force |
noescale | 1.0 | overall scaling factor |
noemindist | 0 | use minimum distance for multiple atoms |
nlambda | 10 | number of windows for PERT sampling |
pequi | 1000 | number of equilibration steps |
pprod | 4000 | number of production steps |
ilambda | undef | run individual lambda step (0 .. nlambda) |
#qfep | 0 | charging FEP |
#qfepfix | 1 | fix segment |
dynextra | undef | extra dynamics command |
qcor | undef | Ewald charge correction |
whamtol | 0.001 | WHAM tolerance |
whamsteps | 200 | WHAM iteration steps |
whammaxtime | 1000000 | WHAM maximum time |
whammaxwin | 200 | WHAM maximum number of windows |
tamd | 0 | Turn on torsion-angle MD, also turns on Berendsen heat bath |
tamdsetup | undef | Torsion-angle MD tree setup code, standard tree setup if not given |
dyntp | undef | turn on TP control |
dyntpcmda | 0 | TPControl dampening of center of mass motion |
dyntptau | 0.05 | characteristic thermostat response time in ps |
dyntppress | 1.0 | set reference pressure |
dyntpbtau | 0.05 | characteristic barostat response time in ps |
lang | 0 | flag for running Langevin dynamics |
langrbuf | 0.0 | radius of Langevin inner buffer sphere |
langfbeta | 5.0 | friction coefficient for Langevin dynamics |
langsel | undef | CHARMM atom selection to apply Langevin friction |
langfile | undef | file for setting friction coefficients |
langupd | undef | update of Langevin region |
mcprmc | 0 | turn on MC barostat |
mctens | 0.0 | MC barostat reference surface tension |
mcprzz | 1.0 | MC barostat pressure in atm at z dimension |
mciprsf | 15.0 | MC barostat sampling frequency |
openmm | 0 | turn on to use openMM |