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usage: latrex.pl [options] [files] options: [-n runs] [-par initruns=value,equilruns=value, [no]save,savebestfreq=value,archive, [no]rebuild,ensmode=add|replace, natpdb=file,seq=file] [-temp nwin:min:max] [-condfile file] [-input pdb|chain] [-f listfile] [-simpar ncycle=val,icycle=val, stiff=val,short=val,central=val,kdcore=val] [-simopt limforce=value,gridsize=value] [-l refPDB min:max[=min:max ...]] [-d force res1:res2[=res1:res2...]] [-dir workdir] [-ens tag] [-ensdir dir] [PARALLELoptions] [-log file]
This script is used to run replica exchange lattice Monte Carlo simulations
with MONSSTER. Most of the options are identical to the options in
aarex.pl. This script will also start up a server automatically
in most parallel environment or can connect to a server that has been
started manually with rexserver.pl -monsster.
Input files may be given as in aarex.pl but can be either
in PDB or SICHO chain format. The format has to be specified with -input.
If no input files are given, random initial conformations are generated.
Lattice simulations require a sequence file that needs to be identified by using
the seq parameter in the -par option. The parameter rebuild also only applies to lattice simulations and controls whether the final lattice chains is automatically rebuild to an all-atom model. Depending on the length of each Monte Carlo cycle this may slow down the overall simulation
time quite significantly since it is done by the server in a serial fashion.
Lattice simulation specific parameters are set with -simpar (see latticesim.pl for a detailed explanation). The lattice grid size and restraint force constant for loop modeling may be given with -simopt. Finally, as in latticesim.pl distance restraints to be applied during the simulations can be given with -d.
- -help
- usage information
latrex.pl -n 8 -par initruns=2,equilruns=2,seq=1vii.seq -temp 4:1.0:1.6
performs 8 cycles of replica exchange Monte Carlo lattice simulations
with 2 initilization and 2 equilibration runs. The sequence file is
required as input parameter and used to generate random input chains.
4 exponentially spaced temperature windows from 1 to 1.6 are used.
latrex.pl -n 8 -par initruns=2,equilruns=2,seq=1vii.seq -temp 4:1.0:1.6 -ens rex -ensdir data
runs replica exchange lattice simulations and stores the structures from the lowest
temperature window in an ensemble.
latrex.pl -n 8 -par initruns=2,equilruns=2,seq=1vii.seq -temp 4:1.0:1.6 -input pdb 1vii.sample.?.pdb
runs a replica exchange lattice simulation starting from SICHO chains
that have been generated from the given PDB input files rather
than a random chain, generated by default.
latrex.pl -n 8 -par initruns=2,equilruns=2 -par seq=1vii.seq,rebuild,natpdb=1vii.exp.pdb -temp 4:1.0:1.6 -l 1vii.exp.pdb 10:21 -simopt limforce=2.0
runs replica exchange lattice simulations for a loop modeling application.
The residues outside the loop are restrained during the simulation
with a force of 2.0. The resulting chains are automatically rebuilt at each
cycle and since the native structure is given, RMSD values between
the reconstructed all-atom structure and the native structure are
also calculated and stored.
latrex.pl -n 10 -par initruns=2,equilruns=2,seq=1vii.seq -temp 4:1.0:1.6 -hosts sgi.workstations
runs a distributed replica exchange lattice simulations. The host information
is taken from sgi.workstations.
latrex.pl -n 10 -par initruns=2,equilruns=2,seq=1vii.seq -temp 4:1.0:1.6 -mp -hosts sgi.local
runs a distributed replica exchange lattice simulations with local
directory. The host information is taken from sgi.local.